By Dr. Samuel Thelin
There are various hospitals available that are free to low cost depending on if you do not have money or insurance, have IMSS, Seguro Popular, etc. Most Cruz Verdes and Cruz Rojas only ask a recuperation fee which covers mostly just materiales. However, they do not all offer all the services needed by everyone. The Hospital Civiles (usually referred to as the “new” [nuevo] and “old” [viejo] are two hospitals with all the basic and specialty services. They are also very full and overloaded with patients.
For those in need of emergency service, and without the ability to pay a deposit to a private hospital, here are your options. Keep in mind that you cannot simply ask any ambulance to take you to these hospitals. You need to be triaged and given a permit number to be transported by ambulance (you could be waiting a long time, and even die waiting). If you use these hospitals, you are best to enter by private transport (taxi, car, etc.).
Hospital Civil “Fray Antonio Alcalde” (Viejo)
Calle Hospital #278 (urgencias adultos)
Calle Hospital #310
Calle Coronel Calderón #777 (urgencias pediatría)
Colonia Centro, Guadalajara
33 3614 5501
Urgencias Adultos: ext. 174
Urgencias Pediatría: ext. 201
Medicina Interna Adultos: ext 212
Terapia Intensiva Adultos: ext. 201
Consulta Externa: ext. 226
Cardiolgía: ext. 212
Trabajo Social: 33 3614 5801 ext. 177
Hospital Civil “Dr. Juan I. Menchaca” (Nuevo)
Salador de Quevedo y Zubieta #750, S.L.
33 3618 9362
For trauma, you can also go to one of two Cruz Verdes that offer orthopedic and trauma service.
Cruz Verde – Francisco Ruíz Sánchez
Antonio Tello Nº 215 (entre calle 52 y Medrano)
Col Medrano
Zona Olímpica
33 1201 8401
Cruz Verde – Jesús Delgadillo Araujo
Mariano Barcenas Nº 997 Esq. Privada Veracruz
Col. Alcalde Barranquitas
Zona Centro
33 1201 7200
For Poisoning and overdoses, there is a special Cruz Verde. While the Cruz Roja does handle overdoses, scorpion stings etc., this Cruz Verde does only intoxication (drugs, scorpion, spider, snakes, etc). At this moment, the Cruz Roja (and Clinica municipal) do not have any spider antivenom, thus you would go to this place:
Centro Regional de Información y Atención Toxicológica (C.R.I.A.T.)
Av. Los Angeles, esq. Analco
Unidad Administrativa Reforma, Col. Las Conchas
C.P. 44460, Guadalajara
Tel. (333) 669 1320 al 25 (1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, and 1325)